Wednesday 30 April 2014

New Chemical Attack Alleged In Al-Tamanah

This morning, videos from the town of Al-Tamanah have been posted online showing what's claimed to be the aftermath of a fresh chemical barrel bomb attack.  Videos show two different locations receiving victims of the attack (playlist here), as well as what's claimed to be two impact sites

The local medical centre's Facebook page claims 70 were injured, and at least one death.  As with previous chlorine/ammonia attacks, it has been claimed that the attacks involved barrel bombs dropped from helicopters, with the medical centre claiming this is the third such attack on the town.  Videos posted on April 12th/13th and April 18th support the claim that this is the third attack in the town.

Al-Tamanah is located 15km northeast of Kafr Zita, and 20km south of Talmenes.  Both towns were subject to a recent investigation by the Daily Telegraph and SecureBio which confirmed high levels of chlorine and ammonia in samples taken from the impact sites of attacks on April 11th, 18th, and 21st (click on the links for videos from those attacks).  As with the Al-Tamanah attack, and other reported chemical barrel bomb attacks in the area, witnesses have consistently reported the use of helicopters to drop the chemical barrel bombs used.  As it stands, around a dozen chemical barrel bomb attacks have been alleged in that region in the last three weeks.


  1. (sigh...) Trolling for debunkers, Elliot?

    Nobody pointed out the obvious, so I'll bite: (I just can't stand the suspense)

    "Gosh... it seems like there are videos on the internet of the FSA using Hell Cannons, Hell Throwers and Keg Mortars right around the time these chlorine attacks occur. You keep posting evidence (like the vids on this very post) that suggest it was THEIR ammunition, not the SAA's. I'm confused - is this the part where we're suppose to start hating the FSA and plead for Northern Command to save Syria?"

    1. I've just watched those 2 clips its proves nothing just someone recording an area that has been hit by a bomb no chlorine proof in this either..
      I subscribe to Liveleak and have seen what rebels are capable of with their own homemade bombs and missles so not beyond realms hey could be using it, saw one clip that showed crude missles made up with ...propane gas canisters...there you go :)

    2. There's several hours before these are visible Gimli, so disregard my question below @9:36. All this wreckage is from hell cannons. The FSA always seems to have them unusually close to all the 'chlorine' attacks judging by all the videos they post.

      Wreckage of regime barrel bomb previously posted here is actually the wreckage of a FSA keg mortar. That seems like a logical target so it's not surprising a SAA helicopter bombed it. I can't be the only one who noticed that.

      And I assure you, I support neither the Assad regime nor the forces controlling the rebels; both are homicidal psychopaths. I'm nobody to judge whom individual Syrian soldiers choose to support. Assad's regime or U.S./Israeli/Saudi-paid extremists - same butchers, same enemies of the Syrian people.

      I know the FSA wanted U.S. support in 2011 but they have to consider the U.S. government is run by the same kind of psychopaths. The U.S. killed a million Iraqis and ten thousand American soldiers - apparently so Dick Cheney and his rich crony pals could run pipelines across Iraq to their oilfields in the Golan. Since the foreign jihadis all work for them, the Syrians in the FSA are probably better off going with the lesser evil: Assad.

    3. Where is your Army, police?? This is a ridiculous thing, how can killed human to human.. I have some Drugs it should be helpful for treatment buy peptides

  2. Oh dear here we go again ,another unverified claim by a rebel supporter of this blog, things must be desperate for rebels on the ground now , actually they are so now resorting to chlorine claims, and the media are swallowing it and not questioning it, yawn..

    1. I understand your sarcasm, Gimli. But are you referring to me or Elliot?

    2. Paveway referring to Elliot :)

  3. Here's some horrible news that Syria is importing chlorine weapons from China:

    So did the head-choppers seize the SYSACCO plant for chlorine bombs, or were they ordered to seize it by their real masters? Controlling chlorine seems to be a remarkably cheap and effective form of genocide.

    The U.S. destroyed Iraq's water system in the 1990's. Subsequent U.N. sanctions assured years of population-reducing filthy water. A quarter-million Iraqi children died that decade thanks, in part, to water-borne disease.

    Iraq's chlor-alkali plant was mostly destroyed as well as their water purification and sewage treatment facilities. The U.N. sanctions after that served to "fully degrade" Iraq's water sources after that according to this author:

    Iraq was able to repair the Tariq (Fallujah II) chlor-alkali plant by 2000 but couldn't keep it running. By then, it was identified as an Iraqi CW manufacturing facility by Bush & Co. to justify the 2003 invasion. The CIA knew it wasn't a CW facility in 2005:

    See if you can spot the genocide:

    2007 was looking better, but that's the year doctors started reporting congenital birth defects in 144 of every 1000. That's also the year the U.S. started paying off the Ministry of Health to shut up about epidemics. Partially because the U.S. prohibited chlorine imports after the truck bombings, which *resulted* in cholera outbreaks across Iraq. They censored that as best they could and allowed chlorine (mostly from Jordan) to come into Iraq.

    This is what any rebuilding efforts will look like in Syria:

    The nations that stuffed the FSA with mercenary mujahideen serial-killers are the same psychopaths that will ensure Syria's critical infrastructure is destroyed before the fighting stops.

    Famine + filthy water = biological warfare 'final solution' for the remaining 18 million Syrians and a few million Palestinian non-person refugees.

  4. UN Sarin Investigator Voices Doubts

    Something else for Eliott to debunk..

    1. Doubt about the claims made by some of the people who approached the OPCW team claiming to have symptoms. I even mentioned this after the attack, I spoke to a doctor who had treated people in Eastern Ghouta, and said people were coming in 36 hours after the attack complaining of symptoms, most of which seemed more likely to be psychosomatic or PTSD then a consequence of direct contact with chemical agents.

    2. Another quote from the same interview
      "Several times I asked the government: can you explain – if this was the opposition – how did they get hold of the chemical weapons? They have quite poor theories: they talk about smuggling through Turkey, labs in Iraq and I asked them, pointedly, what about your own stores, have your own stores being stripped of anything, have you dropped a bomb that has been claimed, bombs that can be recovered by the opposition? They denied that. To me it is strange. If they really want to blame the opposition they should have a good story as to how they got hold of the munitions, and they didn’t take the chance to deliver that story."
      Makes you wonder where all those Volcano rockets came from if the government is claiming nothing was looted from their stores.

    3. That's among the dumbest remarks Sellstrom ever made. If the opposition and their backers carried out a false flag attack to frame Assad, then the Syrian Government is hardly in any position to explain the details. Yes [sigh...] even if asked 'several times'.

      "...To me it is strange. If they really want to blame the opposition they should have a good story as to how they got hold of the munitions, and they didn’t take the chance to deliver that story..."

      Is Ake really that dim? Why should Syria have *any* story at all about how the opposition got Sarin? Maybe they would have had a good 'story' if the OPCW had shown up four months earlier to do their job in Kan al Assal.

      "...Makes you wonder where all those Volcano rockets came from if the government is claiming nothing was looted from their stores..."

      Likewise, it makes you wonder if Volcanos ever had anything to do with the chemicals released.

  5. Doubt about the claims made by some of the people who approached the OPCW team claiming to have symptoms.

    You see that wasn't your narrative at the time you went out your way and to most media outlets claiming is was the regime yet as soon as someone challenged you go on defensive and try to debunk them.

    "To me it is strange. If they really want to blame the opposition they should have a good story as to how they got hold of the munitions, and they didn’t take the chance to deliver that story."

    They didn't get the chance finger was already pointed at regime. Trying to say the rebels couldn't have done when I've seen numerous videos on how creative they have been at making rockets and missles and these so called "hell cannons" so not beyond realms they could use CW, its just that narrative gets suppressed by media and debunkers such as yourself.

    1. Whether or not some people who spoke to the OPCW were misinterpreting their symptoms doesn't discount the wealth of other evidence, it's just part of the picture of events. All the Hell Cannons in the world doesn't change the fact the Syrian government has Volcano rockets and Sarin. All the theories in the world about secret rebel Sarin labs and rebel chemical rockets don't mean much without actual evidence, especially when we have Volcano rockets and a Syrian chemical weapons programme producing Sarin.

  6. Whether or not some people who spoke to the OPCW were misinterpreting their symptoms doesn't discount the wealth of other evidence.

    There is no wealth of evidence only the narrative put out by the western media and US,UK ,France because they don't want to look at any other alternatives ,taking this as face value is quite frankly ludicrous ,a good example about the Ghouta attack UK and US didn't produce any evidence for scrutiny it just expected to take it at face value,hell they even got the amount of actual people killed wrong just to try and push an agenda to attack Syria.

    1. If the US and co was that desperate to invade it's strange how they took the first diplomatic out they got. Seems to me a proxy war is as much as they want to get involved.

    2. Yea, I think at this point the theory surrounding opposition use of chem gear is getting rather stretched - there simply isn't a strategic impetus to keep trying to 'frame' the government since it is clear that no great power states are willing to intervene directly. At the same time, their use makes more and more logical sense with the regime's hard-power-centric COIN strategy; punish and terrorize civilians so as to estrange them from the various rebel factions in the confident knowledge that the US isn't going to start bombing Damascus any time soon thanks to Ghouta.

  7. I think it was closer than that: the French and the Brits had their airforces on alert, in the British case they had moved squadrons of Eurofighters to Cyprus, and the US had significant naval assets in the Med.
    As for chlorine: the rebels had - at least in the Aleppo area - access to chemical factories using chlorine - I read an interview a long time ago about a factory manager who paid protection money to the rebels so they would not destroy the plant.Can also be used to cook up various solutions on a medium small scale.
    BTW, did you guys know that the Muslem Brotherhood for a long time had a radio station on Cyprus, this was during the Nasser years when Egyptian nationalism was a bad thing (Suez) and the Brits obviously wanted to support the MB.
    (Given that the UK to this day has a huge radio listening post on Cyprus they would have for sure known about it and probably supported this radio station)
