Monday 14 May 2012

Did the Leveson website team ignore warnings about the risk of being hacked?

Following on from my earlier post about the Leveson Inquiry website hack I've been sent a copy of an email sent to the Leveson Inquiry website team that warns about the dangers of having open directories on the Leveson website:

As this post on the Something Awful forum shows directories were still open right up until the attack, so obviously the warning wasn't heeded
I have to admit, I noticed the wp-content folder and subfolders allowed directory listing a while ago. Didn't tell anyone, it was useful for checking when new stuff had been uploaded. They've fixed it now though.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Brown for your latest work.

    I do not believe Bush and Murdoch have never met

    Here are three images... Blair , Murdoch and father Bush all with Cardinal Edgar.

    Blair, Murdoch and father Bush are Papal Knights, stands to reason George is also. Like father like son !
