Saturday 25 August 2012

Images Of Shrines And Mosques Destroyed By Extremists In Libya

There's be a number of reports today of Islamic extremists destroying shrines and graves in Zliten and Tripoli, as well as demolishing a mosque in Tripoli with bulldozers.   A number of images from these events have now been posted on Twitter by @Thanku4theAnger and @david_bachmann_.  These first pair of images are from @david_bachmann_ and show the mosque before and after the demolition took place
Mosque in front of @Radissonlibya today 6AM #Tripoli #Libya
...same mosque today 6PM #Tripoli #Libya
These images are from @Thanku4theAnger
First arrived to find Turkish era graves near Sidi Shaab broken into & desecrated #tripoli # libya

Another photo of Turkish era graves desecrated near Sidi Shaab in Tripoli #libya

At Sidi Shaab Salafis are celebrating demolition of graves & others like man in cap arguing against this crime #libya

Photo of Sidi Shaab demolition in Tripoli.There were 2 bulldozers. #libya

Another photo of demolition of Sidi Shaab by the extremist Govt forces SSC & Anti crime unit in Tripoli #libya

Many Salafis were at demolition of Sidi Shaab in Tripoli admiring the tragedy. #libya
@Thanku4theAnger described the following about events at Sidi Shaab
Just got back from Sidi Shaab in Tripoli and will upload photos the tragedy and say what happened. I am so angry.
Tripoli council Head tried to stop demolitn of Sidi Shaab to no avail. Man from Banun family who protested demolition was beaten up
Elderly man at Sidi Shaab said we changed a despot to get a despot. A Salafi was unhappy at comment. So I had heated argument with him.
The Salafi lied & said they had sanction to destroy these graves with MAJ's approval. I had to walk away or I would've punched him

It's now been reported that the Minister for Interior and Minister for Defence have both been sacked as the result of the above incidents, although it's also been reported that members of the National Congress are denying those reports.

Update August 25th Thanks to a number of regular readers who have sent me a number of videos and images from Zliten, especially @menshevik and Michael Pugliese.  This video shows the Sheikh Abdul Salam Al Asmar mosque and shrine at the moment it was attacked by Salafists in Zliten on Friday

A photo of the aftermath was posted on this Facebook group for Libyan Salafists

@menshevik also highlighted this Reuters article from May about a previously aborted attack on the location.

ChangeInLibya has also just Tweeted details of a TV appearance by interim Libyan President Dr. Mohamed Almagariaf
GNC @Almagariaf: Who took part in the disgraceful acts of the last two days are unfortunately aligned with SSC and some ex-fighters #Libya
GNC @Almagariaf: The people that perpetrated recent acts of desecration are criminals and will be pursued #Libya
GNC @Almagariaf: Those of us in the GNC ask government and security forces to take all necessary measures to stop acts by outlaws #Libya
GNC @Almagariaf: The GNC calls on Army (Chief of staff) to take up its responsibility of defending #Libya and protecting our heritage #Libya
GNC @Almagariaf: GNC will not hesitate to make the necessary decisions. We will question PM, MoD, MoI tomorrow morning & act accordingly
GNC @Almagariaf: We ask all Libyans to be vigilant, calm, peaceful and to work within their community to protect #Libya and its history
GNC @Almagariaf: We ask Libyans not to follow rumours and instigations by some channels and those who do not put #Libya first and foremost
Update August 26th Damian Spleeters sent me a selection of pictures from Tripoli

I was also pointed in the direction of a Tweet by LibyaLiberty relating to a photograph posted here which points to possible collusion with the Ministry of Interior
What's up w/this alleged member of MOI who oversaw demolition,seeming to be a part of it? via najah dawaji
Al Jazeera English also has a good round up of events.

Update August 26th Some additional links.
Video of a GNC member arguing with the Salafists at the mosque in Tripoli
Naziha Arebi's Tumblr with images of the destruction of the mosque
This image from @libyanproud showing Thuwar who are based at the Radisson Hotel across from the mosque
they sat and watched or sealed it for them
This image from @ablajounaidi supposedly showing desecrated graves of saints
Un tombeau de saint saccagé par des islamistes extrémistes
This image of the mosque in Tripoli being destroyed from @HA_FGM
صورة لجامع الشعاب اثناء الهدم
 This image of the mosque destruction from @2011feb17
This is ridiculous!!! Sha3ab mosque is being demolished too!!! Been to the Friday prayers many times there in the 80s!

You can contact the author on Twitter @brown_moses or by email at

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