Monday 13 May 2013

Five Days Left For The Brown Moses Blog Fundraiser (And Other Stuff)

After yesterday's problems with Paypal I'm glad to say the Brown Moses Blog fundraiser is back on track, with £4723 of the £6000 total raised so far.  Hopefully in the final few days the target can be reached, allowing me to continue blogging full-time for the next 6 months.

I'm currently having a bit of a busy week in the German media, with a feature about me on Spiegel Online, Syrien-Blogger Brown Moses: Der YouTube-Waffenexperte, and I've also had ZDF TV filming at my house last week for a feature that'll be part of a Syria special they'll be showing on Wednesday afternoon.

I also appeared on the Loopcast podcast, talking about various aspects of Syria and my work, so if you've got a spare 40 minutes, why not give it a listen?

I've also been invited Tactical Technology Collective's Activist Camp 2013, Evidence & Influence, in the last week of June, and hope to meet around 120 investigative journalists, visual artists, designers, activists, data specialists and technologists from around the world.  Two of the camp organisers, Stephanie Hankey, Marek Tuszynski, recently gave a talk on the different kinds of investigation being done on the web and elsewhere, which features my work, as well as some other very interesting projects that are worth a look

This week I'm hoping to talk to a number of specialist in the CBRN and arms fields about their expert opinions on recent claims of chemical weapon use in Syria, so hopefully that'll provide more insight to the various claims being made in the press and elsewhere.

You can contact the author on Twitter @brown_moses or by email at

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